Copyright law


Copyright law firm Warsaw

Advertising law is a complex matter addressing the rules and options for promoting different types of goods and services in various forms and channels of communication. We offer comprehensive legal assistance in the field of advertising to both creators, producers and other clients. The services of our law firm can be particularly helpful to those in the on-line advertising industry: media houses, PR agencies, influencers, graphic designers and artists.

We give opinions on advertising campaigns and marketing strategies while taking into account industry specifics and legal constraints. We prepare the relevant contracts, draw up advertising codes, codes of advertising ethics, prepare rules and regulations for promotions, competitions or castings.

Copyright law firm

The advertising law is closely linked to other legal acts such as the law on copyright and related rights, the law on personal data protection, the law on combating unfair competition, the law on sobriety promotion, the law on gambling, the law on food and nutrition, the law on pharmaceuticals or the criminal code.

We ensure that the advertising content created complies with the current EU, national and sector-specific legislation. We review the creations to confirm that they do not mislead consumers, violate fair competition rules or contain false information. We analyse and advise on whether graphics, images or music can be used under licence. In particular, we provide advice on on-line advertising as far as proper privacy policies, cookies, email marketing, collaboration with influencers and compliance of advertising with the internal regulations of social media platforms are concerned.

Lawyer – copyright

Lawyers at our law firm responsible for advertising and legal matters advise on how to manage, license and deal with copyrights. We draft the relevant contracts and represent our clients during negotiations.

We conduct administrative proceedings, including before the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) and administrative court proceedings concerning advertising. We handle cases before the ordinary courts of all instances involving advertising law, copyright and related rights law and the protection of personal rights. We offer legal services in civil, criminal and administrative disputes as well as in mediation and arbitration proceedings related to advertising and media activities.

In cooperation with other JWP Group entities, JWP Foundation and JWP Patent and Trademark Attorneys, we also offer training for employees in advertising law, intellectual property protection and copyright law, and also protect signs, i.e. trademarks and industrial designs used in advertising.

Our services in the area of advertising law include:

  • preparing and negotiating contracts related to advertising, including contracts for work, contracts for advertising campaigns, contracts for the acquisition or licensing of economic copyrights, collaboration with influencers;
  • developing strategies for the protection and management of copyright and industrial property rights;
  • representing clients in proceedings before ordinary courts concerning the protection of moral rights and economic rights, the protection of personal rights and the protection of industrial property rights;
  • representing clients in proceedings before ordinary courts in cases involving acts of unfair competition relating to various forms of advertising in different sectors;
  • representing clients in proceedings before public administrative authorities, including the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) in cases relating to advertising;
  • representing clients in administrative court proceedings relating to advertising;
  • representing clients in criminal proceedings relating to advertising;
  • counselling on matters related to on-line advertising, including collaboration with influencers;
  • developing advertising codes and codes of advertising ethics;
  • drafting opinions on matters relating to various forms of advertising.

Dorota Rzążewska

legal advisor | managing partner